to help finance improvements to wastewater
reclamation plant/system

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9-17-06 - Forest Lake RESERVIOR with 105 million gallons of RECLAIMED WATER formally christened on September 14th.




11-10-05 - Construction of Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD) improvements to the FOREST LAKE RESERVOIR for RECLAIMED WATER is progressing on schedule. It is expected the reservoir will be read to collect water during the 2005-06 rainy season.

For more details on the Forest Lake Reservoir CLICK HERE for an external link to the PBCSD web site,

For information on the Carmel Area Wastewater District and PBCSD Reclamation Project, CLICK HERE for an external link to the PBCSD website,

10-08-05 - Pebble Beach Community Services District's 22-acre FOREST LAKE RESERVOIR project for UPGRADING the reservoir for RECLAIMED WATER is about half completed. The reservoir is located northeast of Lopez Road, west of Congress Road, near Forest Lake Road.

The reservoir will be ready to accept recycled water from the Carmel Wastewater plant in December 2005 or January 2006. However, production of improved higher-quality reclaimed water is not expected to be available for Forest golf courses and athletic fields until the fall of 2007 when the Carmel Area Wastewater District micro-filtration/reverse osmosis treatment facilities are completed. Construction of any of P.B. Co.'s proposed future new major development projects in the Forest are contingent on having this improved reclaimed water available.




12-02-04 - Three government Agencies, the Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAW), Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD), and Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD), issued a Joint Press Release today outlining the recent approval of new agreements that will enable a significant expansion of the Recycled Water Project (Phase II Plan) for Del Monte Forest golf courses. These agencies, known as the Independent Recycled Water Users Group (IRWUG), have worked several months with local users of reclaimed water. The goal is to have an expanded system for the golf courses in the Forest that will be fully dependent on recycled water. The currently-estimated 22 to 24 million dollars will be funded by the sale of Pebble Beach Co.'s portion of its legal Water Entitlement to Del Monte Forest residential property owners.

For more information, CLICK HERE to read the December 5, 2004, 2004 story, "Golf course plan to help Carmel River" on the Monterey Herald website, (external link).

October 2004 - Summary of action being taken on improving the Wastewater Reclamation Plant/System for Del Monte Forest. The Independent Reclaimed Water Users Group (IRWUG) is working with Pebble Beach Co., Carmel Area Wastewater District, Pebble Beach Community Services District and the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District amended Agreements for sale (or purchase by Golf Club users) of improved recycled water.

 10-22-04 - Mark Stilwell, Pebble Beach Company Executive Vice President, reported, at the Pebble Beach Community Services District meeting on September 24 that Forest property owners are responding to their September 2004 letter outlining how owners may subscribe to a plan which allows them to buy potable water from PB Co.'s allotment of "entitled" water.

Mr. Stilwell reported that as of September 10, 2004 $5.0 million in acre-feet of water rights had been subscribed to by Forest property owners. He indicated that he is receiving approximately 30 inquiries per day.

This plan to sell water rights has been initiated by the PB Co. to help finance the Phase II Improvement of the Wastewater Reclamation Plant/System.

5-28-04 - P.B. Co, authorized to sell "entitled" water for between $150,000 and $175,000 per acre-foot, several times more than the water district's $20,000 per acre-foot price. The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District board approved by 4-2 an Ordinance, No 109, allowing P.B. Co. to sell 175 acre-feet of their water to raise money to improve the existing waste water reclamation plant and reopen the Forest Lake reservoir for storage of reclaimed water.

4-23-04 -Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board reviewed the proposed Ordinance # 109 at the April 22nd meeting covering an Agreement between the District and PB Co. to permit the sale of "entitled water" to Forest property owners.

This Ordinance will be considered again for adoption at the MPWMD May 27th special meeting. The revenue from this sales plan will be used to finance improvements to the existing inadequate Wastewater Reclamation System for the Del Monte Forest. Three other separate agreements with organizations in the Forest that now use reclaimed water for golf courses will also be considered at the May 27th meeting. The MPWMD website, will include details of this Ordinance and Agreements on May 14, 2004.





December 16, 2003 - New Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors voted unanimously on Dec. 15th to reconsider Pebble Beach Co.'s plan to sell "entitled" water to finance improvements to existing WASTEWATER RECLAMATION SYSTEM for Del Monte Forest.

The plan, covered by a proposed new Ordinance # 109, was approved by the old Board members last month, but it contained several items that were not acceptable to the PB Co. and a group of independent golf course owners in Pebble Beach that need improved recycled water.

Some of the unacceptable restrictions in the proposed Ordinance are:

  • Conditions allowing emergency use of fresh water in case the recycling system fails
  • Giving the gold course owners less time to use fresh water than they desire
  • Proposed accounting system for monitoring water use by those who purchase the water rights sold by PB Co.

The proposed plan will be reviewed in March, 2004 after the district's staff works out problem issues with PB Co, the Carmel Area Wastewater district and the groups of independent golf course owners in Pebble Beach.

Click HERE to view "New water board does some undoing" article from the December 19 issue of the Carmel Pine Cone (on this website) or (external link)

Click HERE to view "New Board reconsiders P.B. plan" article from the December 16 issue of the Monterey Herald (on this website) or (external link)

November 18, 2003 - MPWMD Directors delayed approving a new Ordance No. 109 covering Pebble Beach Co's. proposal to sell "entitled" water and finance construction of improvements to existing Wastewater Reclamation project until their next meeting on Monday, November 24, 2003.

The proposal allows Pebble Beach Company to sell their "entitled" water to residential property owners only in Del Monte Forest. The funds will be used to finance the construction of the Phase II Improvements to the Carmel Area Watewater District/Pebble Beach Community Services District Recycled Water Reclamation Project, including the use of the Forest Lake reservoir.

Click HERE to view the Monterey Herald November 18, 2003 story - "Water Board Delays Pebble Beach Plan" -(external link)

Click HERE to read past reports on this PB Co. project (on this website)

October 20, 2003 - Water Board (MPWMD) OKs Pebble Beach Co's. proposal to sell "entitled" water and finance construction of improvements to existing Wastewater Reclamation project. New Ordinance No. 109 expected to become law at MPWMD meeting on November 17th.

The proposal allows Pebble Beach Company to sell their "entitled" water to residential property owners only in Del Monte Forest. The funds will be used to finance the construction of the Phase II Improvements to the Carmel Area Watewater District/Pebble Beach Community Services District Recycled Water Reclamation Project.

For details on the October 20, 2003 MPWMD meeting, read the October 21, 2003 story in the Monterey Herald.

Click HERE to read the series of other documents also needed to complete the proposed Financing Plan as printed in the Agenda at the October 20, 2003 MPWMD Board meeting. (EXTERNAL LINK)

Click HERE to read past reports on this PB Co. project on this website

September16, 2003 - PB Co's plan to sell "entitled" water - Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board of Directors voted to postpone taking action on Pebble Beach Co.'s proposal to sell "entitled"water to residential properties throughout Del Monte Forest at $150,000 an acre-foot to finance construction of the Phase II Improvements to the Carmel Area Wastewater District/Pebble Beach Community Services District Recycled Water Reclamation Project. The first reading of Ordinance No. 109 was continued to their October 20, 2003 meeting.

For more information, read "Water sale to P.B. property owners could finance reclamation project" in the October 17, 2003 issue of The Carmel Pine Cone

Read these original MPWMD legal documents posted on this website.

  • Ordinance 109 defining legal conditions for financing and sale, including amount of water entitlement remaining unused by Pebble Beach Company.

For more on this proposal read the September 16, 2003 Monterey Herald new story "Pebble Beach water system upgrades could allow new homes, renovations".

Click HERE to read about other WATER ISSUES ON THE PENINSULA (on this website)


2002--2001 ARCHIVE



December, 2002 - Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Board Update

The District Staff met in October with the organizations, agencies and companies involved with the planned "Phase II Improvements to the Wastewater Reclamation Project." The Pebble Beach Company's request for approval to sell "entitled" water at $150,000 an acre-foot to finance the reclamation project improvements was discussed at this meeting.

The staff has now learned that Pebble Beach Company will soon present a new revised request/proposal to the MPWMD for financing the improvements required to permit the reclamation system to produce a new,increased amount of acceptable reclaimed water for golf courses and recreation areas in Del Monte Forest.

Details of the new proposal and the MPWMD action on this project will be posted on this website when made available by the District Staff.

Readers of this information may wish to provide the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Directors with their views on this unusual, complex proposal to sell this water at

The Directors are: Alvin Edwards, Judi Lehman, Molly Erickson, Kris Lindstrom, Alexander "Zen" Henson, David Potter and David Pendergrass. Write to MPWMD, Post Office Box 85, Monterey, CA 93942-0085. Telephone: 831-658-5600. Location: 5 Harris Court, Bldg. G.

Acting General Manager: Fran Farina. Telehone: 831-658-5656, Fax: 831-644-9560

Comments and Letters to the Editor- Monterey County Herald

Click on the underlined title to read the whole letter

  • June 16, 2004 - Recycling didn't fail - First of all, it isn't the P.B. Company's recycled water project. It's ours.

  • September 29, 2003 - Where Will The Funds Flow? - "...The Forest reclamation project... raises some questions that must be addressed. Does the sale represent an inequity for those residents currently on the Cal-Am waiting list?"

  • March 8, 2002 - Entitling water to P.B. Co. - "If there was no connection between the 'entitlement water' and the actual production of reclaimed water, what was the justification for the entitlement?"

  • March 6, 2002- Pebble Beach Water Plan - "The net result would be more households dependent on the same amount of water with no additional water supplies."

  • February 24, 2002 - Commentary - DMFPO President claims Pebble Beach Company's wastewater proposal brings benefits - "To fund these public facility improvements, Pebble Beach Co. has offered to sell up to 105 acre feet of its entitlement water to residential property owners within the Del Monte forest at about $150,000 an acre foot..."

  • January 6, 2002 - Commentary - "P.B. Co. Proposal would help taxpayers" - At no expense to the taxpayer a $33 million dollar bond was sold to cover the cost of the reclamation project to irrigate the golf courses. Repayment of the bonds was guaranteed by the Pebble Beach company in return for which it was allocated approximately one-half of the potable water saved for its future water use within the Forest.

  • December 9, 2001 - "The Pebble Beach Company's proposal to the Water Managemen District represents poor public policy." - It would set up a seconday water market, not provided for in the district's enabling legislation, based on unacceptably inflated prices, which would encourage new demand.