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MICHAEL G. BARBOURwww.mgbarbour-vegetation-emeritus.com
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1967-1969 1970-1979 1980-1989 1990-1999 2000-2010 2011-2014 |
1 Barbour, M.G. and R.T. Lange. Seed populations in some natural Australian topsoils. Ecology 48:153-155.
2 Barbour, M.G. Early growth in annual and perennial ryegrass. Agronomy Journal 59:204-205.
3 Barbour, M.G. and C.H. Racine. Construction and performance of a temperature-gradient bar and chamber. Ecology 48:861-863.
4 Barbour, M.G. Germination requirements of the desert shrub Larrea divaricata. Ecology 49:915-923.
4a Barbour, M.G. Ecoclinal patterns in the physiological ecology of a desert shrub, Larrea divaricata. Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, 241 pp. Abstract in Dissertation Abstracts 29:1272, microfilm no. 68-14, 292.
5 Barbour, M.G. Patterns of genetic similarity between Larrea divaricata of North and South America. American Midland Naturalist 81:54-67.
6 Barbour, M.G. Age and space distribution of the desert shrub Larrea divaricata. Ecology 50:679-685.
6a McCormick, J. et al. Annotated flora of the Kalbfieisch Field Research Station. Published by the Kalbfieisch Field Research Station, Dix Hills,Long Island, New York, 100 p.
7 Barbour,M.G. Germination and early growth of the strand plant Cakile maritima. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 97:13-22.
8 Barbour, M.G. and C.B. Davis. Salt tolerance of five California salt marsh plants. American Midland Naturalist 84:262-265.
9 Barbour, M.G. Is any angiosperm an obligate halophyte? American Midland Naturalist 84:105-120.
10. Barbour, M.G. The flora and plant communities of Bodega Head, California. Madroño 20:289-313.
11. Barbour, M.G. and J.E. Rodman. Saga of the west coast sea-rockets, Cakile edentula ssp. Californica and C. maritima. Rhodora 72:370-386.
12. Weler,T.E.,C.R. Stocking and M.G. Barbour. Botany: an introduction to Plant Biology, 4th ed. Wiley, New York, 708 p.
13. Weier,T.E.,C.R. Stocking, J.M. Tucker, and M.G. Barbour. Botany: a Laboratory Manual, 4th ed. Wiley, New York, 173 p.
14. Barbour, M.G. Seedling ecology of Cakile maritima along the California coast. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 97:280-289.
15. Barbour, M.G. Seedling establishment of Cakile maritima at Bodega Head, California. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 99:11-16.
16. Barbour, M.G. Additions and corrections to the flora of Bodega Head. Madroño 21:446-448.
17. Sankary, M.N. and M.G. Barbour. Autecology of Salsola vermiculata from Syria. Flora 161:421-439.
18. Sankary, M.N. and M.G. Barbour. Autecology of Haloxylon articulatum from Syria. Journal of Ecology 60:697-711.
19. Sankary, M.N. and M.G. Barbour. Autecology of Atreplex polycarpa from California. Ecology 53:1155-1162.
20. Barbour, M.G. Ecologist and consultant: do we have to be both? Ecology 54:1-2.
21. Barbour, M.G. Desert dogma reexamined: root/shoot productivity and plant spacing. American Midland Naturalist 89:41-57.
22. Barbour, M.G. Chemistry and community composition, pp. 85-100. In: J. Naegle (ed.), Air Pollution Damage to Vegetation. American Chemical Society, Advances in Chemistry Series 122, Washington, D.C.
23. Barbour, M.G. and D.V.Diaz. Larrea plant communities on bajada and moisture gradients in the United States and Argentina. Vegetatio 28:335-352.
24. Barbour,M.G.,R.B.Craig,F.R.Drysdale, and M.T.Ghiselin. Coastal Ecology: Bodega Head. University of California Press, Berkeley, 338 p.
25. Maodonald, K.B. and M.G. Barbour. Beach and salt marsh vegetation of the North American Pacific Coast, pp. 171-230. In: W.H. Queen and R.J. Relmold (ed.), Ecology of Halophytes. Academic Press, New York.
26. Weler,T.E.,C.R. Stocking and M.G. Barbour. Botany: an introduction to plant biology, 5th ed. Wiley, New York, 690 p.
27. Barbour, M.G., R. Falk, S. Gold, J. Harding, and T. Ragland (contributing editors). Biology: an Uncommon Introduction. Canfleld Press, San Francisco, 516 p.
28. Weler,T.E.,C.R. Stocking and M.G. Barbour. An Instructor's Resource Manual, 5th ed. Wiley, New York, 98 p.
30. Barbour, M.G., D.V.DIaz and R.W.Breldenbach. Contributions to the biology of Larrea species. Ecology 55:1199-1215.
31. Drysdale, F.R. and M.G. Barbour. Response of the marine angiosperm Phyllospadix torreyi to certain environmental variables. Aquatic Botany 1:97-106.
32. Barbour, M.G.,B.A.Bonner and G. Breckon. Botany: a Laboratory Manual, 5th ed. Wiley, New York, 263 p.
33. Barbour, M.G., T.M. DeJong and A.F. Johnson. Additions and corrections to a review of North American Pacific Coast beach vegetation. Madroño 23:130-134.
34. Barbour, M.G., T.M. DeJong and A.F. Johnson. Synecology of beach vegetation along the Pacific Coast of the United States. Journal of Biogeography 3:55-69.
35. Barbour, M.G. and R.H. Robichaux. Beach phytomass along the California coast. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 103:16-20.
36. Grams, HJ., K.R. McPherson, V.V. King, SA MacLeod, and M.G. Barbour. Northern coastal scrub on Point Reyes Peninsula, California. Madroño 24:18-24.
37. Barbour, M.G. and T.M. DeJong. Response of west coast beach taxa to salt spray, seawater inundation, and soil salinity. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 104:29-34.
38. Davidson, E.D. and M.G. Barbour. Germination, establishment, and demography of coastal bush lupine (Lupinus arboreus) at Bodega Head, California. Ecology 58:592-600.
39. Barbour, M.G., G. Cunningham, W.C. Oechel, and S.A. Bamberg.Growth and development, form and function, pp. 48-91. In: T.J. Mabry, J.H. Hunzikerand D.R. Difeo, Jr. (eds.), Creosote Bush: Biology and Chemistry of Larrea in New World Deserts. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, PA. (Title Change)
40. Barbour, M.G., J.A. MacMahon, S.A. Bamberg, and J.A. Ludwig. The structure and distribution of Larrea communities, pp. 227-251. In: T.J. Mabry, J.H. Hunzikerand D.R. Difeo, Jr. (eds.), Creosote Bush: Biology and Chemistry of Larrea in New World Deserts. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, PA.
41. Barbour, M.G. and J. Major (eds.). Terrestrial Vegetation of California. Wiley-interscience, New York, 1002 p.
42. Barbour, M.G. and J. Major. Introduction, pp. 3-10. In: Barbour, M.G. and J. Major (eds.). Terrestrial Vegetation of California. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
43. Barbour, M.G. and A.F. Johnson. Beach and dune, pp. 223-261. In: Barbour, M.G. and J. Major (eds.). Terrestrial Vegetation of California. Wiley- Interscience, New York.
44. Heady, H.G.,T.C.Foin,M.M.Hektner,D.W.Taylor, M.G. Barbour, and W.J. Barry. North coastal prairie and northern coastal scrub, pp. 773-760. In: Barbour, M.G. and J. Major (eds.). Terrestrial Vegetation of California. Wiley-interscience, New York.
45. Vasek, F.C. and M.G. Barbour. Mohave desert scrub vegetation, pp. 835-867. In: Barbour, M.G. and J. Major (eds.). Terrestrial of California Wiley-interscience, New York.
46. Solbrig,O.T., M.G. Barbour, J. Cross, G.Goldstein,C.Lowe,J.Morello, and T.W. Yang. The strategies and community patterns of plants, pp. 67-106. In: G.H. Orians and O.T. Solbrig (eds.), Covergent Evolution in Warm Desert Ecosystems. Dowden, Hutchison & Ross, Stroudsburg, PA.
47. Barbour, M.G. Salt spray as a mioroenvironmental factor in the distribution of beach plants at Point Reyes, California. Oecologia 32:213-224.
48. Barbour, M.G. The effect of competition and salinity on the growth of a salt marsh plant species. Oecologia 37:93-99.
49. Rost, T.L, M.G. Barbour, P.M. Thornton.T.E.Weier, and C.R. Stocking. Botany, a Brief Introduction to Plant Biology. Wiley, New York, 470 p.
50. Pitts, W.D.and M.G. Barbour. The microdistribution and feeding preferences of Peromyscus maniculatus in the strand at Point Reyes National Seashore, California. The American Midland Naturalist 101:38-48.
51. Barbour, M.G. and S.P. Radosevich. 14C uptake by the marine angiosperm Phyllospadix scouleri. American Journal of Botany 66:301-306.
52. DeJong, T.M. and M.G. Barbour. Contributions to the biology of Atriplex leucophylla, a C4Californian beach plant. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 106:9-19.
53. Sankary, M.N. and M. G. Barbour. Germination, growth, and water relations of Astragalus lentiginosus var. nigricalycis from California. Madroño 27:90-96.
54. Barbour, M.G., J.H. Burk and W.D. Pitts. Terrestrial Plant Ecology. Benjamin/Cummings, Palo Alto, 604 p.
55. Barbour, M.G. Plant-plant interactions, pp. 33-49. Jn: R. Perry and D. Goodall (Eds.), Structure, Function, and Management of Arid Land Ecosystems, volume II, Cambridge University Press, London.
56. Danin, A. and M.G. Barbour. Microsuccession of cryptograms and phanerogams In the Dead Sea area, Israel. Flora 172:173-179.
57. Barbour, M.G., A. Shmida, A.F. Johnson, and B. Holton. Comparison of coastal dune scrub In Israel and California: physiognomy, association patterns, species richness, phytogeography. Israel Journal of Botany, 30:181-198.
58. Barbour,M.G.,B.A.Bonner,G.J.Breckon,T.LRost,C.R. Stocking, R.M. Thornton, and T.E. Weier. An Instructor's Manual to accompany Botany, an Introduction to Plant Biology, 6th ed. Wiley, New York, 50 pp.
59. Shmida, A. and M.G. Barbour. A comparison of two types of Mediterranean scrub in Israel and California, pp. 100-106. In: C.E. Conrad and W.C. Oechel (Eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Dynamics and Management of Mediterranean-type Ecosystems, U.S. Forest Service, PSWFRES Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-58, Berkeley, CA.
60. Weier, T.E.,C.R. Stocking, M.G.Barbour, and T.L Post. Botany, an Introduction to Plant Biology, 6th Ed. Wiley, New York, 720 pp.
61. Barbour,M.G„B.A. Bonner,G.J.Breckon, T.L. Rost, and R.M. Thornton Laboratory Studies in Botany, 6th Ed. Wiley, New York, 263 pp.
62. Yoder, V., M. G. Barbour, R. S. Boyd, and R. A. Woodward. Vegetation of the Alabama Hills Region, lnyo County, California. Madroño, 30:118-126.
63. Palmer, R.,B.Corbin,M.G.Barbour, and R. A. Woodward. Floristic checklist for the headwaters basin area of the North Fork of the American River, Placer County, California. Madroño, 30 (supplement) :52-66.
64. Ustin,S.L.,R. A. Woodward, M.G.Barbour, and J.LHatfleld. Relationships between sunfleck dynamics and red fir seedling distribution. Ecology.
65. Wainwright, T. C. and M. G. Barbour. Characteristics of mixed evergreen forest in the Sonoma Mountains of California. Madroño.
66. Rost, T. L, M. G. Barbour, R. M. Thornton:T. E. Weier, and C. R. Stocking. Botany, A Brief Introduction to Plant Biology (2nd Edition), Wiley, New York.
67. Barbour, M. G., T. M. DeJong, and B. M. Pavlik. Marine beach and dune plant communities. Chapter 14. jn.: The Physiological Ecology of North American Vegetation, B. F. Chabot and H. A. Mooney (Eds.), Chapman and Hall. London.
68. Barbour, M. G. and R. A. Woodward. The Shasta red fir forest of California. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research. 15:570-576.
69. Boyd, R. S. and M. G. Barbour. Relative salt tolerance of Caklle edentula from lacustrine and marine beaches. American Journal of Botany, 73:236-241.
70. Carpenter, D. E., M. G. Barbour and C. J. Bahre. Old-field succession In Mojave Desert scrub. Madroño 33:111-122.
71. Selter, C. M., W. D. Pitts and M. G. Barbour. Site microenvironment characteristics and seedling survival of Shasta red fir (Abies magnifica var. shastensis). The American Midland Naturalist. 115:288-300.
72. Pavlik, B.M. and M.G. Barbour. Demography of endemic psammophytes, Eureka Valley, California. 1. Seed production, dispersal, and herblvory. State of California, Dept. Fish and Game, Office of Endangered Species, Sacramento, CA, 77 p.
73. Pavlik, B.M. and M.G. Barbour. Demography of endemic psammophytes, Eureka Valley, California. II. Survivorship, seed bank dynamics, and frequency of establishment. State of California, Dept. Fish and Game, Office of Endangered Species, Sacramento, CA.
74. Barbour, M.G. Forest and woodland vegetation of California: choices for the California forest response program, pp. 24-45. In: S.H. Bicknell (Ed.), California Forest Response Program Planning Conference, Proceedings, Humboldt State Univ. Foundation, Arcata, CA.
75. Barbour, M.G., M. Rejmanek, A.F. Johnson, and B.M. Pavlik. Beach vegetation and plant distribution patterns along the northern Gulf of Mexico. Phytocoenologia 15:201-233.
76. Gudmunds, K. and M.G. Barbour. Mixed evergreen forest stands in the northern Sierra Nevada Mountains. In: T.R. Plumb (ed.), Symposium on Multiple-use Management of California's Hardwood Resources, USDA Forest Service, Berkeley, PSW-100, Gen. Techn. Rep.
77. Barbour, M. G„ J. H. Burk, and W. D. Pitts. Terrestrial Plant Ecology, 2nd Ed., Benjamin/Cummings, Palo Alto, CA., 634 p.
78. Barbour, M.G. Community ecology and distribution of California hardwood forests and woodlands. Pp. 18-23. In: T.R. Plumb and N.H. Pillsbury (Eds.), Symposium on Multiple-use Management of California's Hardwood Resources, USDA Forest Service, Berkeley, PSW-100, Gen. Tech. Rep.
79. Barbour, M.G. and W.D. Billings (Eds.). Terrestrial Vegetation of North America. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 434 pp.
80. Barbour, M.G. Californian upland forests and woodlands. Chapter 5 (pp. 133-164). In: M.G. Barbour and W.D. Billings (Eds.), Terrestrial Vegetation of North America. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York.
81. Barbour, M.G. and J. Major (Eds.). Terrestrial Vegetation of California, 2nd ed. California Native Plant Society. 1030 pp.
82. Manning, S.J. and M.G. Barbour. Root systems, spatial patterns and competition for soil moisture between two desert subshrubs. American Journal of Botany. 75:885-893.
83. Pavlik, B.M. and M.G. Barbour. Demographic monitoring of endemic sand dune plants, Eureka Valley, California. Biological Conservation 46:217-242.
84. Barbour, M.G., B.M. Pavlik and J.A. Antos. Seedling growth and survival of red and white fir in a Sierra Nevada ecotone. American Journal of Botany. 77:927-938.
85. Barbour, M.G. and R.A. Minnich. The myth of chaparral convergence. Israel Journal of Botany. 39:453-463.
86. Johnson, A.F. and M.G. Barbour. Dunes and maritime forests. In: R.L. Myers and J.J. Ewel (eds.), Ecosystems of Florida, pp. 429-480. Academic Press, Orlando, FL.
87. Barbour, M.G., N.H. Berg, T.G.F. Kittel, and M.E. Kunz. Snowpack and the distribution of a major vegetation ecotone in the Sierra Nevada of California. Journal of Biogeography, 18:141-149.
88. Barbour, M.G. The coastal beach plant syndrome. In: R. Davidson-Arnott (Ed.), Proceedings Canadian Symposium on Coastal Sand Dunes 1990, pp. 197-214. Natural Resource Council, Toronto, Canada.
89. Pavlik, B.M. and M.G. Barbour. Seasonal patterns of growth, water potential, and gas exchange of red and white fir saplings across a montane ecotone. The American Midland of Naturalists 126:14-29. 307, Academic Press, NY.
90. Holton, B., Jr., M.G. Barbour and S.N. Martens. Some aspects of the nitrogen cycle in a California strand ecosystem. Madroño, 38:170-184.
91. Barbour, M.G. Life at the leading edge: the beach plant syndrome. In: U. Seliger (Ed.), Coastal Plant Communities of Latin America, pp. 291-307, Academic Press, NY.
92. Barbour, M.G., B.M. Pavlik, F.R.Drysdale, and S.A.Lindstrom. California's Changing Landscapes. California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, 260 pp.
93. Barbour, M.G. and N.L. Christensen. Vegetation of North America North of Mexico, pp. 97-131. In: Flora of North America, North of Mexico. Floraof North America Editorial Committee (Eds.), V. 1, Oxford University Press. NY.
94. Boyd,R.S. and M.G. Barbour. Replacement of Cakile edentula by Cakile maritima in the strand habitat of California. American Midland Naturalist 126: 14-29.
95. Barbour, M.G. North coastal shrub SRM 204, pp. 14-15. jn: T.N. Shiftle (Ed.), Rangeland Cover Types of the United States, Society for Range Management, Denver, CO.
96. Barbour, M.G. Coastal sage shrub SRM 205, pp. 15-16. In: T.N. Shiftier (Ed.), Rangeland Cover Types of the United States, Society for Range Management, Denver, CO. 1995
97. Mellmann-Brown,S.,Bozeman and M.G. Barbour. Understory/overstory species patterns through a Sierra Nevada ecotone. Phytocoenologia 25:89-106. (In Press 1 last action, 7/1/95).
98. Minnich, R.A., M.G. Barbour, J.H. Burk and R.F. Femau. Sixty years of change in California conifer forests of the San Bernardino Mountains. Conservation Biology 9:9902-914. (In Press 2 last action, 7/1/95) 99. Barbour, M.G. Ecological fragmentation in the fifties. In: W.J. Cronon (Ed.) Uncommon Ground, W.W. Norton & Co., New York. pp 233-255, 510-518. (In Press 3 last action, 7/1/95)
100. Barbour, M.G. American ecology and American culture in the 1950s: Who led whom? Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77:44-51. (An edited version of 99).
101. Millar, C.I., M. Barbour, D.L. Elliott-Fisk, J.R. Shevock and W.B. Woolfenden. Significant natural areas. In: Science Team (Eds.) Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, Final Report to Congress, Vol. II, Assessments and Scientific Basis for Management Options. Centers for Water and Wildland Resources, University of California, Davis. pp 839-853.
102. Minnich,RA,E.Franco-Vizcaino,J.Sosa-Ramirez,J.H.Burk,W.J. Barry, M.G. Barbour and H. de la Cueva-Salcedo. A land above: Protecting Baja California's Sierra San Pedro Martir within a biosphere reserve. Journal of the Southwest 39:613-695. (A special double issue).
103. Barbour, M.G. and V. Whitworth. Sidebar: California's Mediterranean climate; Sidebar: Fire and its role in rejuvenating plant communities; and Introduction: California's living landscape: Vegetation types and plant communities. In: P.M. Faber (Ed.) California's Wild Gardens, The California Native Plant Society, pp 4,8,17-21,24,26-32.
104. Barbour, M. and T. Keeler-Wolf. Conservation and classification of vegetation in California: a symposium. Fremontia 25(4): 17-27.
105. Barbour, M.G., R.F. Femau, J.M. Rey Benayas, N. Jurjavcic and E.B. Royce. Tree regeneration following clearcut logging in red fir forests of California. Forest Ecology and Management 104:101-111.
106. Anderson, M.K., M.G. Barbour and V. Whitworth. A world of balance and plenty: land, plants, animals, and humans in a pro-European California. In: Guierrez, R.A. and R.J. Orsi (Eds.). Contested Eden: California Before the Gold Rush, University of California Press, Berkeley. pp 12-47.
107. Rost, T.L, M.G. Barbour, C.R. Stocking and T.M. Murphy. Plant Biology Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA. 537 pages.
108. Barbour, M.G., J.H.Burk,W.D.Pitts,F.S.Gilliam and M.W.Schwartz. Terrestrial Plant Ecology. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., Menlo Park, CA. 649 pages.
109. Barbour,M.G. Vegetation. In: K.R. Lamar (Ed.) The New Encyclopedia of the American West. Yale University Press, New Haven, CN. pp. 1155-1165.
110. Fernau, R.F., J.M. Rey Benayas and M.G. Barbour. Early secondary succession following clearcuts in red fir forests of the Sierra Nevada, California. Madroño 45:131-136.
111. Danin, A., S. Rae, M. Barbour, N. Jurjavcic, P. Connors and E. Uhlinger Early primary succession on dunes at Bodega Head, California. Madroño 45:101-109.
112. Hunter, J.C., V.T. Parker and M.G. Barbour. Understory light and gap dynamics in an old-growth forested watershed in coastal California. Madroño 46:1-6.
113. Barbour, M.G. and W.D. Billings (Eds.). North American Terrestrial Vegetation, 2"d ed. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 708 pp
114 Barbour, M.G. and R.A. Minnich. Californian upland forests and woodlands, pp 161-202 h: M.G. Barbour and W.D. Billings (Eds.), North American Terrestrial Vegetation, 2"d ed., Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.
115 Minnich, RA, M.G. Barbour, J.H. Burk and J. Sosa-Ramirez. Californian mixed-conifer forests under unmanaged fire regimes in the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Baja California, Mexico. Journal of Biogeography 27:105-129.
116. Barbour, M.G., et al. Blologlcal integrity, pp 403-598 in: D. Murphy and C.M. Knopp (Eds.), The Lake Tahoe Watershed Assessment, USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-175, Berkeley, CA.
117 Richardson, D.M., P. Pysek, Rejmanek, M.G. Barbour, F.D.Panetta and C.J. West. Naturalization and invasion of alien plants: concepts and definitions. Diversity and Distributions 6:93-107.
118 Jennings, M., O. Loucks, R. Peet, D. Faber-Langendoen, A. Damman, M. Barbour, and 13 others. Guidelines for describing associations and alliances of the U.S. national vegetation classification. [published as an on-line document through ESA’s website, then revised and submitted for publication in Ecological Monographs for 2006]
119 Barbour, M., D. Glenn-Lewin, and O. Loucks. Progress towards North American vegetation classification at physiognomic and floristic levels, pp 113-116 in: Proceedings of the IAVS symposium, Opulus Press, Uppsala, Sweden.
120 Barbour, M.G. America’s diverse vegetation, pp 30-37 in: A. Cheifetz (ed.), America—the complete story, Global Book Publishing, NSW, Australia.
121 Royce, E.B. and M.G. Barbour. 2001. Mediterranean climate effects across a Sierra Nevada ecotone. American Journal of Botany 88: 911-932.
122 Hunter, J.C. and M.G. Barbour. 2001. Through-growth of Douglas-fir: model of rapid forest change without canopy gaps. Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 445-452.
123 Barbour, M.G., P.A. Castelfranco, M. Rejmanek, and R.W. Pearcy. A tribute to the contributions of Professor Jack Major. Madroño 48: 215-218.
124 Rodriguez-Rojo, M.P., D. Sanchez-Mata, R.G. Gavilan, S. Rivas-Martinez, and M. Barbour. Typology and ecology of Californian serpentine annual grasslands. Journal of Vegetation Science 12: 687-698.
125 Barbour, M.G., P.A. Castelfranco, R.W. Pearcy, and M. Rejmanek. Resolution of respect: Jack Major, 1917-2001. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 82: 174-177.
126 Rodriguez-Rojo, M.P., D. Sanchez-Mata, R.G. Gavilan, S. Rivas-Martinez, and M.G. Barbour, Syntaxonomical approach for classification of the Californian serpentine annual grasslands. Lazaroa 22: 83-94.
127 Barbour, M.G., S. Lydon, M. Borchert, M. Popper, V. Whitworth, and J. Evarts. Coast redwood: a natural and cultural history. Cachuma Press, Los Olivos, CA.
128 Barbour, M.G., E. Kelley, P. Maloney, D. Rizzo, E.B. Royce, and J. Fites-Kaufmann. Present and past old-growth forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, Sierra Nevada. Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 465-472.
129 Sánchez-Mata, D., S. Rivas-Martínez, M.P. Rodríguez-Rojo & M. G. Barbour. 2002. Vegetación serpentinícola de California: biodiversidad y fitosociología. Schironia 1: 35-37.
130 Barbour, M.G., A. Solomeshch, C. Witham, R. Holland, R. Macdonald, S. Cilliers, J. Molina, J. Buck, and J. Hillman. Vernal pool vegetation of northern California: within-pool vegetation. Madroño 50: 129-146.
131 Anderson, M.K. and M.G. Barbour. Simulated indigenous management: a new model for ecological restoration in national parks. Ecological Restoration 21:269-277.
132 Barbour, M.G. and C.W. Witham. 2004. Islands within islands: viewing vernal pools differently. Fremontia 32(2):3-9.
133 North, M., B. Oakley, R. Fiegener, A. Gray, and M. Barbour. 2005. Influence of light and soil moisture on Sierran mixed-conifer understory communities. Plant Ecology 117:13-24.
134 North, M., M. Hurteau, R. Fiegener, and M. Barbour. 2005. Influence of fire and El Nino on tree recruitment varies by species in Sierran mixed conifer forest. Forest Science 51:187-197.
135 Rost, T., M. Barbour, R. Stocking, and T. Murphy. 2005. Plant biology, 2 ed. Thomson, Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA.
136 Barbour, M.G., A.I. Solomeshch, R. Holland, C. Witham, R. Macdonald, S.Cilliers, J.A. Molina, J.J. Buck, and J.N. Hillman. 2005. Vernal pool vegetation of California: communities of long-inundated deep habitats. Phytocoenologia 35:177-200.
137 Sanchez-Mata, D., M. del Pilar Rodriguez-Rojo, and M.G. Barbour. California ultramafic vegetation: diversity and phytosociological survey, pp 177-180 in: R.S. Boyd et al. (eds.), Ultramafic rocks: their soils, vegetation, and fauna, Science Reviews, St. Albans, UK.
138 DeClerck, F.A.J., M.G. Barbour, and J.O. Sawyer. Resource use efficiency as a function of species richness and stand composition in upper montane conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada. Journal of Vegetation Science16:443-452.
139 Barbour, M.G. and L.G. Miller. Vegetation ecology: an international collaboration summarizing the science: book review of Vegetation ecology by E. van der Maarel. Diversity and distributions 12:223-224
140 Solomeshch, A.I. and M.G. Barbour. Defining restoration targets for Great Valley Grassland State Park (San Joaquin Valley). Grasslands 16(2): 1-17.
141 Sugihara, N.G. and M.G. Barbour. Fire and California vegetation, pp 1-9 in: N.G. Sugihara, J.W. van Wagtendonk, K.E. Shaffer, J. Fites Kaufman, and Andrea E. Thode (eds.), Fire in California’s eco- systems, University of California Press, Berkeley.
142 DeClerck, F.A.J., M.G. Barbour, and J.O. Sawyer. Species richness and stand stability in conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada. Ecology 87:2787 2799.
143 M.G. Barbour, T. Keeler-Wolf, and A.A. Schoenherr (eds.). Terrestrial vegetation of California, third ed. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
144 Pickart, A.J. and M.G. Barbour. Beach and dune, pp 155-179 in: M.G. Barbour, T. Keeler-Wolf, and A.A. Schoenherr (eds.), Terrestrial vegetation of California, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
145 Barbour, M.G. Closed-cone conifer forests, pp 296-312 in: M.G. Barbour, T. Keeler-Wolf, and A.A. Schoenherr (eds.), Terrestrial vegetation of California, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
146 Solomeshch, A.I., M.G. Barbour, and R. Holland. Vernal pools, pp 394-424 in: M.G. Barbour, T. Keeler-Wolf, and A.A. Schoenherr (eds.), Terrestrial vegetation of California, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
147 Keeler-Wolf, T., J.M. Evens, A.I. Solomeshch, V.L. Holland, and M.G. Barbour. Community classification and nomenclature, pp 21-34 in: M. R. Stromberg, J.D. Corbin, and C.M. D’Antonio (eds.), California grasslands, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.
148 Barbour, M.G., D. Sanchez-Mata, P. Rodriguez-Rojo, S. Barnhart, E. Ugurlu, F. Llamas, and J. Loidi. Age structure of young- and old-growth Quercus pyrenaica stands in Spain. Phytocoenologia 37:1-16.
149 Keeler-Wolf, T., J.M. Evens, A.I. Solomeshch, V.L. Holland, and M.G. Barbour. Community classification and nomenclature, pp 21-34 in: M.R. Stromberg, J.D. Corbin, and C.M. D’Antonio (eds.), California Grasslands, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. DUPLICATE FOR 147?
150 Buck, J., S. Starr, C. Witham, A. Solomeshch, R. Macdonald, M. Barbour, and R. Holland. Resistance and resilience of vernal pool vegetation, pp 3-11 in: R.A. Schlising and D.G. Alexander (eds.), Vernal pool landscapes, Studies from the Herbarium, No. 14, California State University, Chico.
151 Skinner, C., J. Burk, M.G. Barbour, E. Franco, and S. Stephens. Influence of climate on fire regimes in montane forests of north-western Mexico. Journal of Biogeography 35:1436-1451.
152 Barbour, M.G., S. Barnhart, E. Ugurlu, and D. Sanchez-Mata. Species characteristics and stand structure of Quercus garryana and Q. pyrenaica woodlands in the Mediterranean regions of California and Spain, in: Symposium on Californian oak woodlands, USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-190, Berkeley, CA.
153 Pinto-Cruz, C., J.A. Molina, M. Barbour, V. Silva, and M.D. Espirito-Santo. Plant communities as a tool in temporary pond conservation in south-western Portugal. Hydrobiologia 634: DOI 10.10007/s10750-009-9885-154
154 Fields, L.E., M.G. Barbour, D.L. Elliott-Fisk, and T.L. Sasaki. Determining the response of wildlife to fine scale forest management in California state parks in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Submitted. Corresponding author phone 530-581-3856, fax 530-581-5849, email lfields@parks.ca.gov, mailing address California State Parks, POB 16, Tahoe City, CA 96145.
Anomalous diameter growth and population age structure in mature Canary Island pine stands. Phytocoenologia 42:1-13.
The composition and physiognomy of forest types are strongly linked to distance inland along the northern California coast. Phytocoenologia (in-press).